Lavender Is Getting The Recognition It Deserves!

Most people know lavender as the essential oil that helps babies, kids, teenagers and adults get restful sleep1💤💤💤  I think it's great because it doesn't induce that sleeping pill hangover!

But lavender is much more than a sleeping aid. It is the the gentle giant that calms the mind, helps people have better focus and attention and is known to benefit every system of the body. The research is astounding!


DIYs for a Sparkly Clean Home WITHOUT the Toxins

It's spring!! And time to do that deep clean, but I know you care about your pets and family and don't want to have worry about their little paws1 absorbing chemical residue or your little one's2 hands and knees crawling on a freshly cleaned floor. Or, does your family abide by the 5 or 10 second rule . . .

Help Your Anxious Kids Face Life With Confidence

Whether it's a new gymnastics class, a visit to the doctor, piano class, a new school year, a different Sunday school, or babysitter - our young’uns face stress day-in and day-out. Anticipating and facing things with confidence is what we want for them - right?! But they are little humans and many of them, just like you, experience what seems like never ending worry. It’s a lot - just being human!  

Unfortunately, anxiety scrambles the brain and decreases the ability to...