Hope Essential Oil Blend contains Melissa, Juniper, Myrrh, and Spruce. 

Hope is essential for happiness and moving forward in life. Hopelessness can cause you to feel stuck, blur our vision for life, steal our dreams and goals and lead to depression. Loss of hope is something we need to be aware of in others. Noticing and talking to people about what is bothering them and engaging them in conversation about their hopes and dreams can lift their spirits. Gifting them a bottle of Hope could be helpful too!

Excessive stress can cause us to lose hope. When feelings of overwhelm consume us, our brain and body stop functioning optimally because of restricted blood flow and increased heart rate can be a result of stress. Less blood flow to our brain and body isn't good. Melissa has been studied and found to help relieve stress and and "regulate hemodynamic (blood flow) changes in patients with ACS in emergent and acute conditions."1 If it can help people in acute distress, just imagine how much it might help you.

This blend can help you reconnect to your purpose and help you feel grounded and strong.  

The Hope Challenge
If you need more hope, here is a challenge for you! When you get your bottle of Hope this month, place a drop on the center of your forehead every morning and evening or if you are really feeling hopeless, massage a drop onto each of your outer ears.

Psychology Today encourages prayers and affirmations2 because they are proven to be powerful in changing our outlook. Here's an example of a short prayer and affirmation. 'Oh God, I need hope. Please infuse me with hope so I can be strong and live with purpose." Then follow it with a positive affirmation such as, 'the hope I have within me gives me strength for today and hope for tomorrow'.  I'd love to hear how you are transformed by this quick and easy practice!

Your health can be better ~ naturally. Feel free to email me for a free consultation. 
To order Young Living Essential Oils or nontoxic products, please use my link: youngliving.com - thanks!