Are We Really Able to Improve Brain Health?

The human brain is a remarkably adaptable organ, capable of forming new neural connections and pathways throughout our lives. The term for the changes that occur is 'neuroplasticity'. Like plastic, our brain can be molded. And fortunately it does not require complicated or elaborate techniques. In fact... 

some very simple practices have a profound impact on brain health.

With a little effort, you can be a happier, healthier person with less brain fog, a better memory and less chance for dementia and brain disease - to name just a few benefits!

Neuroplasticity occurs and brain health is improved when we...

An Exercise To Rewire Your Brain

This tip is all about shifting our perspective and looking at everything as a gift or opportunity. The idea comes from the teachings of Shirzad Chamine, a coach and best-selling author. By viewing every experience as a gift or opportunity, we shift our mindset from one of limitation to one of possibility. It's an empowering way to think and it makes the journey of life become exciting, filled with endless chances for embracing challenges with a positive mindset. 

Now, you might be wondering, how does this tip connect to rewiring our brains? Well, the more you think in a certain way the stronger that neural pathway becomes. And the stronger that neural pathway is, the harder it is to think about things differently. Here's how it works. . .


Too Much Cortisol Making You Miserable!?!

Cortisol is a valuable hormone. We need just the right amount! Too much or too little can make us miserable in many ways. Weight gain, type 2 diabetes, anxiety and depression, memory loss, high blood pressure, and inflammation are just a few of the negative effects of dysregulated levels of cortisol.1  And maybe, worse  - ANGRY OUTBURSTS have been found to be problematic with those having both too little and too much cortisol.2

If you identify with some of the negative effects of chronically high cortisol, there are changes you can make to help naturally balance your levels. By reducing your...

November Gifts With Purchase

Why do you need these freebies? 
(Click the link to read more about them, but don't order them - place a qualifying order and get them for free!!)

1. Loyalty Rewards (LR) Points = $10 of credit in your LR account! And that's on top of the percentage you're already earning. If you've forgotten, you earn more points the longer you stay part of the program. The very first month you get 10% back (that's unheard of!) and if you stay in it 4 months... you start earning 20% back. Stay on LR 1 year and you get 25% back in LR points!! So with this freebie - I get 35% back in LR points!

2. Vitality Drops - are the best electrolyte drop on the market! Most everyone needs to drink more water, and trust me, once you're addicted to the drops, you'll want more water! If Grapefruit/Bergamot isn't your flavor of choice... try our Lavender/Lemonade

3. Thieves Hand Sanitizer - meets the FDA standards for killing 99.9% harmful germs and 
is free from harsh chemicals that hurt your skin and your overall health. 

Even more reasons...


Motivation for Every Personality Type

When we lack something like motivation, we often look to our friends, family or co-workers who have what we want and then do our best to adopt their ways, thinking we'll get the same results. Sometimes it works. But not every personality type is motivated the same way. . .

Improve Your Eye Health & Look Better Too!

Vision and maximizing beautiful experiences are important to us and you too, right?! Can you imagine doing the things you love, or being with your loved ones and not being able to see? When our vision deteriorates we typically fix our problem by getting glasses or contacts. However, most of us do nothing to keep our eyes healthy. So we continue to have symptoms like bags under our eyes, poor night vision or further loss of sight.

No one expects to get an eye disease, yet 11 million people in the US have macular degeneration1 and experts predict 3 million new cases this year. Even more scary - 90% of those diagnosed will become legally blind.  If you've thought you're too young to worry about eye health... keep reading.

Antioxidants To Boost My Immune System


This yummy drink has become my favorite daily supplement for overall wellness! The super concentrated antioxidants have helped me stay well when so many others around me were sick with all the things… 

One ounce of NingXia Red is equivalent to each of the following in terms of antioxidant nutritional value:
  • 4 pounds of carrots
  • 2 quarts of carrot juice

Enzymes for Food Allergies - Dairy, Gluten & SEASONAL!

It seems like most people deal with either seasonal or food allergies. Or both! Fortunately we can take steps to reduce our suffering. Fixing our gut issues is foundational. Less brain fog, more clarity, less inflammation, fewer allergic reactions and better overall health.

Gut health is affected by many things1 2 3, but starting with enzymes may be your best choice because the enzymes we should be consuming from our food are often missing - destroyed by cooking, storage and farming methods.

Without proper digestion we rob our bodies! Enzymes help digest food so that our bodies can utilize the nutrients we need for life and good health and only excrete waste. Enzymes can reduce...