Ways To Sneak Extra Fruits And Vegetables In Your Family’s Diet

We all know by now that we should be eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each day. But knowing and doing are two different things, aren’t they? Sometimes it is just not easy to get them all in there. We are constantly tempted to fill up on convenience and junk food. If your family is anything like mine, they’d much rather fill up on a bag of chips or a bowl of rice or pasta instead of trying an apple or a plate of steamed broccoli. So we’ll have to get creative. Here are a couple ideas  


Sick and Tired of Insomnia? 4 Essential Oils To Help You Sleep


Are you one of those lucky people who falls asleep the moment your head hits the pillow? 

Or do you toss and turn, struggling to get comfortable, trying desperately to turn off the million thoughts racing through your head?  Or wake up in the middle of the night – staring at the ceiling, wondering how you’ll make it through the next day on 4 hours of sleep?

You’re not alone. For too many of us, a good night’s sleep can seem as elusive as the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.


I had no idea what made my blood pressure go down.

I took my blood pressure (bp) recently and was shocked!! I've been on the verge of needing medication for a year or so. But. . . I'm determined to age gracefully - med free, pain free and healthy. It's not that I would never take medicine. I have, and do, when absolutely necessary, but I'd rather stay healthy and not need medicine.

As for my blood pressure . . . I could reduce it with breathing exercises, but that's just a temporary solution. Exercise wasn't doing the trick either. If I'd increased the length or intensity it might have, but I am a moderate exerciser and I think that should be good enough! LOL

Here's what happened:

I was looking for a way to increase my water intake, plus I knew I needed more electrolytes, so we started adding electrolyte drops to our water. Sports drinks and pedialyte have electrolytes, but they're either sugary, have artificial sweeteners or taste gross, and - they are expensive! So, I was excited to try the drops. To be honest, I didn't love the taste at first, but it grew on me quickly and I started adding a squirt every time I refilled my bottle!

At first I had no idea why my BP was down. I didn't think I was doing anything different.

It wasn't NingXia Red. A few months ago, when we wanted to be sure our immune system was bolstered up, we started taking NingXia faithfully. I knew it was good for a lot of things like appetite control, maintaining healthy blood sugar, and because my sister has battled breast cancer this year, I wanted to be on a good antioxidant so I was getting my daily dose - but it didn't affect my bp.

I was truly perplexed. Until. . . I had a thought and decided to explore. I wondered, do electrolytes have any effect on BP? Well... YES THEY DO! First I Googled it, but to be doubly sure, I checked with my doctor and he confirmed!

Electrolytes & BP - the connection is real!

I love it when I find simple, natural, low cost ways to preserve health! This one, I literally stumbled upon.

Now I can't get enough water because I love the taste, I'm getting plenty of electrolytes and the bonus - lower BP!!

Thank you God and cheers for whole health ~ naturally!

Your health can be better ~ naturally. Feel free to email me for a free consultation. 
To order Young Living Essential Oils or nontoxic products, please use my link: youngliving.com - thanks!

Intermittent Fasting (IF) For Gut Health

Intermittent Fasting (IF) - I've done it for years, it just didn't have a label, at least, not in MY mind.

The reason: because I've had gut issues my entire life. As a kid, when I realized I felt SO much better if I didn't eat breakfast right away I was a much happier little girl! I was fortunate in that my mom was good at listening to her body and she encouraged me to listen to mine.

As an adult my gut issues got really bad. I won't go into detail, but eating earlier and taking my enzymes has made a world of difference!! I don't have "rules" about (IF) but I usually stop eating by 7pm and wait until 10 or 11am to eat a light breakfast. If it was a heavy, unhealthy or late dinner, I will wait even later to eat breakfast... my body dictates that. Upping my enzymes also helps tremendously!

I tried a lot of really good (doctor recommended) enzymes and didn't think that they did anything but after reading about how our bodies lose the ability to break foods down as we age I thought maybe I should try them again. I'll just say - I'm glad I gave them a try!!

A non dairy yogurt parfait is one of my favorite ways to break my fast! Whether you do intermittent fasting or not, what's your favorite breakfast food and what time do you usually break fast?


Your health can be better ~ naturally. Feel free to email me for a free consultation. 
To order Young Living Essential Oils or nontoxic products, please use my link: youngliving.com - thanks!

Boost Your Immune System Naturally

Boosting our immune system is something we've all known was possible for many years - right? Jamba Juice has been offering immune boosters in their smoothies for years! But not all immune boosters are created equally.

Find Out: 
  • why you can trust Young Living
  • what made the need for natural alternatives increase
  • how to boost your immune system
  • about our standards, why purity is so important and how to use Essential Oils safely
  • how to get products that boost your immune system naturally and affordably
Young Living has been around 25 years! We've earned the respect of medical authorities and have worked with the F. D. A. and NASA - they took YL oils into space for outer space research in 2019. How cool is that?!

To remain in good standing, we do not diagnose, treat or claim to cure. In addition, at Y&WL, we make every effort to use compliant language and claim only what has been approved.

A Strong Immune System - Needed Now!!

We've needed to be vigilant about boosting our immune system even before the 2020 pandemic, but why has it become increasingly important in the last few decades?

Pubmed.gov is where doctors and researchers share information. These articles are peer reviewed and government approved.

Many articles on Pubmed confirm that we need to build up our immune systems now, more than ever before! The need is mainly due to the overuse of antibiotics and they confirm that better alternatives are needed.

"... as a consequence of administering antibiotics broadly to the population and sometimes misusing them, antibiotic-resistant bacteria have appeared. The emergence of resistant strains is a global health threat to humanity." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6470534/ pulished in 2019.

Because of this "Antibacterial treatments currently used for treatment cause several side effects, and bacterial resistance to the antibiotics is also increasing. Therefore, there is need to find better alternatives. . . " https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4606594/

These statements validate the reason many are turning to natural alternatives. Doctors have learned that when they give us medicine that destroys the good along with the bad they put us at risk for even greater problems.

Great Ways to Boost Your Immune System

Essential Oils that are proven to support every system of your body and boost your immune system!

Here's a Pubmed article reviewing some of my favorite EOs. It's about the use of them in dentistry but explains the properties and functions of each Essential Oil.

Lavender, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Melaleuca, Lemon, Clove, Cinnamon

Thieves EO is a favorite all over the world! It's a blend of some of the most powerful immune boosting oils. Find out more about Thieves.

Ningxia Red is another wonderful way to support your immune system. What is Ningxia Red?

Super basic answer: It is a superfruit supplement drink.

Really fun answer: It is the secret weapon of the Chinese Olympic team.

Young Living has exclusive distribution rights for the NingXia wolfberry, and just one ounce of NingXia Red is equivalent to each of the following in terms of antioxidant nutritional value: 4 pounds of carrots, 2 quarts of carrot juice, 8 oranges, 1 pint of orange juice, 2 pounds of beets, 2 cups of beet juice, 3 cups of raspberries, or 2 cups of blueberries! Wow! Read more about Ningxia Red... 

Detoxing your home is a must for a robust immune system. Our Thieves line of products makes it simple for you to do - affordably. Find out more.

Our Standards

Under Dr. Buch’s leadership, Over-the-Counter (OTC) products have been launched which makes Young Living the only Essential Oil company to formulate and manufacture products in this category. The products, Thieves® Chest Rub, Thieves® Cough Drops and Cool Azul™ Pain Relief Cream, opened the door for Young Living to pursue additional oil-infused products with medicinal claims within FDA guidelines.

Our standards have given us privilege! The Seed to Seal guarantee covers every product we sell. The constant testing, in house and by 3rd parties, keeps us at the forefront of leadership in natural health in the United States and around the world. Here's a short video about our Seed to Seal guarantee.

You will not find a lot of information on safety and Essential Oils on pubmed or other reputable sources, simply because there is not much concern.

"Safety testing on essential oils shows very few side effects or risks when they are used as directed. Most essential oils have been approved as ingredients in food and fragrances and are labeled as GRAS (generally recognized as safe) by the U.S. F. D. A.. Swallowing large amounts of essential oils is not recommended." (Patient Version PDQ Integrative, Alternative, and Complementary Therapies Editorial Board" Published online: May 21, 2019)

Learn more about the Safety of Essential Oils here.

Getting The Products You Want

1. Place an order of 100PV (usually $100). Choose any combination of essential oils and nontoxic products. You will get wholesale pricing on subsequent orders of any size. 
2. Place ANY item on Subscribe To Save (STS). As long as you have at least one item on STS you will get wholesale pricing on every order you place. STS items can be scheduled to ship every 1, 2, or 3 months.

âž• Young and Wholly Living presents information for personal education and to motivate and empower you to take your own wellness journey. Your journey should be based on your own research and partnership with your healthcare provider.

âž• Information provided by Young and Wholly Living and Young Living products cannot be used for the purpose of diagnosing, treating, curing, or preventing disease.

Your health can be better ~ naturally. Feel free to email me for a free consultation. 
To order Young Living Essential Oils or nontoxic products, please use my link: youngliving.com - thanks!

What exactly is Thieves??

You may have heard the claims. . .

  • It's an Essential Oil. It's a Detergent. It's a Toothpaste. It's a Cough Drop. It's soap. . .
  • It's a cleaning miracle. 
  • It boosts your immune system.
  • It's good for plants.
  • It's in classrooms.
  • It's in doctor's offices.
  • It's in hospitals.
  • It's legendary.
If you're still wondering, what exactly is Thieves? In it's basic form, it is a blend of essential oils. All the other items in the Thieves line are infused with this amazing blend of oils. In fact, they are so amazing that. . .
Doctors, Nurses, Dentists, Teachers, Mental Health Professionals, Yoga Instructors, Business Men & Women... LOVE our Thieves products and are not shy about telling people.

Thieves & The Bubonic Plague
During the last outbreak of the Bubonic Plague in 1720, thieves were robbing the sick and dying and never got sick! But they did get caught. They bought their freedom by divulging their secret for staying well even when in close contact with those who were sick with the highly contagious and fatal disease. Their secret was the combination of essential oils that Gary Young named Thieves! 

Thieves is such a powerful blend that we have based a whole line of products on this blend of oils. Everything from cleaning supplies, to oral health products! Our Thieves products are beloved by doctors, dentists, janitorial services, teachers etc. . . Diffused, it cleanses the air, used topically it purifies the contaminates, and taken as a dietary supplement it bolsters the immune system. 

The oils in Thieves are: Clove, Lemon,  Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary. 

Everyone is warning us about indoor toxins mostly from cleaning products and air fresheners. There are multiple articles on NIH warning those who are contemplating pregnancy,1 those who have young children, 2 those who have breathing difficulties  https://www.lung.org/clean-air/at-home/indoor-air-pollutants/cleaning-supplies-household-chem and those who want good brain health.3

Most cleaning products contain ingredients that are known carcinogens, respiratory triggers, hormone disruptors and poisons. NIH regarding  Just to get you started look up Phthalates. You'll find they interfere with hormones and are known carcinogens. TODAY is the day to clean up your cleaning!

Thieves Household Cleaner (THHC) is wildly popular because depending on the dilution, you can clean just about anything with it! THHC, baking soda (when I need a little grit) and Lemon EO (for sticky messes) are all you really need. I use THHC in the kitchen, bathroom, on carpet, wood floors, in/on the car, on the granite, on the limestone, stainless steel, leather, glass, on the grill, on the deck, in the garden...! A spot check will give you the assurance that Thieves is safe on everything.  

It's far less expensive than most cleaning products because it is highly concentrated. You only need a capful for every 2-3 cups of water! With this ratio, one small bottle will yield you 25-30 16-oz spray bottles of safe, all-purpose cleaner... at just under $1 per spray bottle! Can't beat that price! Time to #DitchAndSwitch all your household cleaners for the Thieves all-purpose cleaner. Living above the wellness line and saving money at the same time. Double bonus!

Thieves oral care products are designed with the technology to clean and freshen breath throughout the day without the use of any harsh chemicals and, we've overcome the need for controversial fluoride!
  • Thieves Whitening Toothpaste
  • Thieves Dental Floss
  • Thieves Fresh Essence Mouthwash 8-oz
Or how about boosting your immune system and reducing your cough with:
  • Thieves Chest Rub
  • Thieves Cough Drops
Wash Dishes or Do Laundry:
  • Thieves Dish Soap
  • Thieves Dishwasher Detergent
  • Thieves Laundry Detergent
To get everything in our Thieves line, go to www.youngliving.com and search Thieves. Please use this link to make your order. Thanks!

Your health can be better ~ naturally. Feel free to email me for a free consultation. 
To order Young Living Essential Oils or nontoxic products, please use my link: youngliving.com - thanks!

CBD - Truths & Myths

What is CBD?

Medical professionals all over the world are using CBD oil because it's Highly. Effective! - Truth!

Yet, it's so safe, it's legal in every state and accessible to the general public. - Truth!

There's only hype, but no research or science regarding CBD. - Myth!

Most people still have questions and feel a bit confused when it comes to CBD. - Truth!

We are going to clear some things up!

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or scientist. I am not prescribing or advising as a medical professional. I'm just sharing the research!

If you've thought CBD oil might be good for you or someone you love - this might help. The purpose is for you to feel knowledgeable enough to make an informed decision, and be empowered to do it with confidence. So... let's look at the research and science.

CBD Comes from the Hemp Plant NOT the Marijuana Plant

While they are in the same family, they are two different plants.
  • Marijuana contains large amounts of THC. (THC is the psycho-active part that makes you high.)
  • Hemp in comparison, has very little THC but is loaded with CBD. If you are worried about the THC, the good news is we extract ALL of the THC and add Essential Oils to give our ✅ Smart Spectrum CBD the Entourage Effect.
The Various Forms of CBD

✘ CBD Isolate - When you extract just the CBD from the plant you have CBD Isolate. CBD Isolate contains 0% THC.

The concern: It loses some of it's power because in the process of removing the THC, the terpenes are also removed. You need the terpenes for a more robust result known as the Entourage Effect.

✅ SMART SPECTRUM - A CBD Isolate that has been infused with Essential Oils. Because like the THC, Essential Oils contain terpenes, making them powerful and effective, but they do not have a psychoactive effect. By adding terpenes from EOs to the CBD, the effectiveness is once again raised. Since there is 0% THC - you Will. Pass. A. Drug. Test. 

SMART SPECTRUM CBD has the Entourage Effect, associated with Broad Spectrum CBD but without any of the concerns.

✘ Broad Spectrum - an extraction of CBD oil with little to no THC. The concern: There's no guarantee you will pass a drug test. It has been known to have more adverse/unwanted effects than Isolate or Smart Spectrum.

✘ Full Spectrum - CBD derived from the hemp plant but without removing the THC. The concern: It poses legal and moral dilemmas for many.

The Endocannabinoid System (ECS or EC System)

The Endocannabinoid System is a system in our body. We have cannabinoid receptors all over our bodies. Our body makes Cannabinoids, just like it makes hormones (thyroid, estrogen, testosterone etc.), insulin, sperm etc...

The purpose of Cannabinoids are to regulate pain and to keep our bodies in homeostasis.

Interesting Fact: A woman's uterus has more cannabinoid receptors than any other part of the human body.

When the receptors need cannabinoids and they are met with them, your body can manage the situation. It moves from pain or discomfort back to homeostasis quickly.

biology-online.org says, "Homeostasis refers to the ability of the body or a cell to seek and maintain a condition of equilibrium or stability within its internal environment when dealing with external changes."

Part of the job of the ECS is to regulate and help maintain homeostasis with:
  • Appetite
  • Digestion
  • Immune function
  • Inflammation, including neuroinflammation
  • Mood
  • Energy regulation
  • Sleep
  • Reproduction/fertility
  • Motor control
  • Temperature regulation
  • Memory
  • Pain
  • Pleasure/reward
It's no wonder CBD is so popular!! We need cannabinoids for just about everything!

When our body is not happy it is out of balance so it tries to send endocannabinoids and enzymes to regulate things and bring it back into homeostasis. But often, we do not have enough cannabinoids. 😢 That's why...
  • You may always feel cold or always feel hot.
  • Have extreme menstrual cramps.
  • Suffer from disrupted sleep or night sweats.
When your body is unable to adjust to changes and cannot maintain homeostasis, there's an increased likelihood of developing a disease.🤢

It's important to keep your body happy! 😊 If you don't feel good, physically or emotionally, you need to do something about it or you may reap long term negative consequences.

Would a boost of cannabinoids help you feel better?

Smart Spectrum CBD can help your Endocannabinoid System do it's job! ✅

Medically Speaking

In an article titled Endocannabinoids in Nervous System Health and Disease: The Big Picture in a Nutshell, Stephen D Skaper and Vincenzo Di Marzo say...

"Among other functions, the ECS is involved in neuroprotection, modulation of nociception, regulation of motor activity, neurogenesis, synaptic plasticity and the control of certain phases of memory processing. In addition, the ECS acts to modulate the immune and inflammatory responses and to maintain a positive energy balance."

How to Pick Your CBD

Young Living's superior standards...

Organic. Handlers. Permit - What happens to a plant after it has been harvested matters! It can be contaminated. I mean, think about it... who might work on a hemp farm!? 😜

Running a top-notch organic farm is an expensive thing. To get good quality you will have to pay a little more, but isn't your health worth it?

The last thing you should know...

The CBD market is currently flooded with synthetic, poorly cultivated, and untested CBD. Therefore it is vitally important to know exactly where your oil is coming from and how it's been handled.

After rigorous due diligence, Young Living bought the Nature’s Ultra farm. It was not easy to find a farm that meets Young Living's Seed to Seal guarantee.
  • Our Smart Spectrum CBD is pure, organic, therapeutic grade, like all of our Essential Oils.
  • It's available in every state and has 0% THC.
  • You can purchase it at retail prices or if you are a Young Living member, you'll get wholesale pricing. Even if you just want CBD, it's worth it to become a member. After becoming a member, just link your account to Nature's Ultra. Please reach out if you need help.

Questions are welcome and help is always available.

If you would like to order any of the essential oils and/or nontoxic products mentioned in this post, order here: youngliving.com  I'm obsessed with detoxifying my life and this is by far the best and most affordable way to do it.

Take a look at what we have to offer below. You will not be redirected to another site to make a purchase nor will you be asked for payment info.

Our Smart Spectrum Products

Calm CBD Roll On from Nature's Ultra creates a peaceful environment that will help relax and quiet your mind. This is the perfect roll on for when you're dealing with the stress of the day or trying to wind down for the night. It will help give you a soothing, restful night’s sleep. It is infused with Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Lavender, Orange, Vetiver, & Ylang Ylang Young Living essential oils.

Available in two strengths 300 mg & 600 mg... crazy day or REALLY crazy day! Oh, and it smells SO amazing.

When you use CBD topically in the form of a rub, you can specifically target those sore, achy muscles. CBD Muscle Rub from Nature's Ultra takes the hot-and-cold sensation of menthol and gives it a boost by infusing it with an array of Young Living essential oils: Camphor, Clove, Helichrysum, Lemon, Peppermint, Tea Tree, Wintergreen, and more. These ingredients work hard together to soothe your hard-working body.

Available in 300mg & 600mg concentrations.

Nature’s Ultra Cool Mint comes in a bottle with a dropper top for easy measuring and usage. It contains peppermint and spearmint essential oils - invigorating! 

Available in 500mg & 1000mg concentrations.

Nature’s Ultra Citrus comes in a bottle with a dropper top for easy measuring and usage. It contains grapefruit and orange essential oils to give you a pep in your step!

Available in 500mg & 1000mg concentrations.

Nature’s Ultra Cinnamon comes in a bottle with a dropper top for easy measuring and usage. It is infused with Cinnamon essential oil to give you an immunity boost!

Available in 500mg & 1000mg concentrations.

A Few Side Notes

âž• Information obtained here is meant for educational and informational purposes ONLY. We hope to motivate and empower you to make your own wellness journey based on your own research and partnership with your healthcare provider.

âž• Information obtained here is meant for educational and informational purposes ONLY. We hope to motivate and empower you to make your own wellness journey based on your own research and partnership with your healthcare provider.

Your health can be better ~ naturally. Feel free to email me for a free consultation. 
To order Young Living Essential Oils or nontoxic products, please use my link: youngliving.com - thanks!

Focus, Attention & Forced Homeschooling

"Making The Most Of Every Opportunity". I keep thinking and praying about all the mommas and daddys who feel like their only option is to home-school. At one point, I felt forced to homeschool so I know... it may be your worst nightmare and that’s ok!! By the same token I want to encourage you to take your thoughts captive, make a shift, and make the most of this opportunity.

Helping kids learn when there are focus and attention issues can be trying, frustrating and even maddening. It seriously makes your situation even harder. More about that in a minute.

My Story:
When Caleb was in second grade he got exceptionally bored and frustrated at school. It certainly wasn't the same kind of "forced", but we knew we had to make a different choice. I was honestly terrified when I realized homeschooling was the only good option at the time. Did we love it? Well... we decided to made the most of it, except on the days we didn’t LOL but, we have lots of good memories and some that aren’t so great too. 

Love, grace, tenacity and perseverance were pushed to the limits, and we grew, so, I can honestly say - it was a great choice.

When we look at every situation as an opportunity, the memories we make are good. Even in the midst of struggle, we get to choose our perspective - and that is what makes or breaks the experience. A little Gratitude Essential Oil can help.

Back to Focus and Attention. . .If you've wanted better solutions for focus, attention and hyperness, you may want to use this opportunity to try out something different, proven to work for many many people, of all ages, and without side effects.

Jordan Schick, my niece's husband, openly shares his story to help others.

Over the years, his dosages kept increasing to the point it altered his personality - too much!! He hated the side effects (as did my niece) but clearly, he needed help to be able to accomplish things. He'd heard about better, all natural solutions and did a little research and decided to try something different.

He wanted a good education because the kind of work he wanted to do, required it. I'm happy to say he graduated from NTU with a degree in Business - Supply Chain Command and now has joined the ranks of corporate America with a well paying job!

To read what he did, go to: https://youngandwhollyliving.com/members - then click on Testimonials.

Suzette Parker

Your health can be better ~ naturally. Feel free to email me for a free consultation. 
To order Young Living Essential Oils or nontoxic products, please use my link: youngliving.com - thanks!

How To Safely Use Essential Oils

Minimal Precautions required

As with anything, common sense is key and a little knowledge is useful. However, having and using Essential Oils is of less concern than most things you likely have under your sinks, in your medicine cabinet, laundry room and garage. 

Fear about using Essential Oils is understandable considering what you may have heard. It is correct to say that true essential oils are very concentrated and potent, which makes their effectiveness is very real. That being said, the likelihood of an adverse reaction is small.  

Here's a quote found in an article on National Institute of Health site: "Safety testing on essential oils shows very few side effects or risks when they are used as directed. Most essential oils have been approved as ingredients in food and fragrances and are labeled as GRAS (generally recognized as safe) by the U.S. FDA. Swallowing large amounts of essential oils is not recommended."1 It simply would not be helpful. Though it likely would not hurt you, it would be wasteful!

If you take time to do the research, you'll find that above quote was directly referencing true Essential Oils, but what is a "true" Essential Oil?'

TRUE Essential Oils Required for Safety!

Whether you plan to use Essential Oils topically, aromatically, internally or for cleaning, the molecules are so tiny, they'll enter your bloodstream. Therefore it is vitally important to purchase steam distilled, pure, organic, therapeutic grade EOs - "true" true Essential Oils.

Per the same article referenced above, "Essential oils are volatile liquid substances extracted from aromatic plant material by steam distillation or mechanical expression; oils produced with the aid of chemical solvents are NOT considered true essential oils." Note: "volatile liquids" are liquids that evaporate quickly. 

To distill EO properly, it takes a lot of the material (flowers, petals or bark) so the process is not cheap. This means that...

Inexpensive Essential Oils are NOT true essential oils. It's possible you may feel some benefit from cheap oils, however, in the long run they can damage your body and overall health - especially when used repeatedly. 

Risks when purchasing EOs you think are the Real Deal:
  • Very inexpensive oils are never the real deal.
  • Yet, an expensive oil does NOT ensure you're buying a true EO - it could just be a marketing scam.
  • True essential oils are sometimes stretched with inferior carrier oils - disqualifying it as a true EO.
  • Remember, every part of the process is important, harvesting, steam distillation, packaging and shipping.

How To Find "True" Essential Oils

When you're looking for true Essential Oils, do your research and ask these questions. You won't go wrong if you just stick with Young Living because can say YES to all of these:
  • Has the soil been pesticide free for at least 50 years?
  • Is all weeding done by hand?
  • Are there quality control measures in place at every step of the process? 
  • Is there a Seed to Seal guarantee? 
  • Are they so well respected NASA chose them for their EO space research?
  • Have they worked with the F. D. A. to get approval for ingestible oils?
  • Are they sold in mainstream doctors offices and well renowned Naturopathic doctors offices?
  • Can YOU visit their farms at any time of year or only at designated times? (so they can be on their best behavior)
  • Do they work with multiple third party companies for inspection?
  • Is EVERY batch tested?

Regarding Allergies

Allergic Reactions – are very rare because most people are allergic to the pollen of a plant. There is 0% pollen in EOs, therefore most people can use the oils of plants to which they are allergic. Some medical experts have said allergic reactions are not possible with true EOs , however, sensitivity may occur including small red bumps. If you get little bumps on your skin, you may want to try again with greater dilution of carrier oil, however, discontinue use if they persist. 

Most people are allergic to the pollens of a plant but not the Essential Oil.

For instance, I (Suzette) am off the charts allergic to Cedar, but I can use the Cedarwood Essential Oil. The first couple of times I used it, I got a headache – just as if I’d been in a Cedar grove, but learned that our mind is so sensitized to things that have previously caused adverse reactions that that the odor alone will cause the same reaction even when the allergen is NOT present. It is a psychological reaction that is not real. After learning this, I tried Cedarwood again and have been using it with no headache ever since. Truly a mind over matter situation - and a little embarrassing for an Essential Oil advocate!

One last note regarding allergies: many people find relief from seasonal issues and other irritations by using Essential Oils. Peppermint, Lavender and Lemon make a good combo. Adding Copiaba to the mix can help if you also experience stuffiness or head pressure. When my allergies are severe, I use this combo in your diffuser, carry a rollerball with me and take a capsule everyday.

Topical Usage

  • Topical Use - be sure to dilute with an organic carrier oil - at least at first. It's better to go slow than risk sensitivity. In the unlikely event you are sensitive, just wait a few days and try again with a stronger dilution.
  • Sun exposure - citrus oils cause sun sensitivity. Please stay out of the sun if you use citrus oils topically.
  • Eyes, Ears and Private Parts – Generally, it is not a good idea to use Essential Oils on these thin membranes. If you do get some in one of these sensitive areas, it will sting and may feel like it's on fire, but, you will be ok. Do NOT flush with water! It will intensify the sensation and cause it to spread. Water will not cause damage but it won’t help.
DO Flush with a Carrier Oil and wait a few minutes - it should subside and you'll be fine. Repeat this process every few minutes. However, you know your body best, if you need medical attention, please seek it. But beware, medical professionals, unfamiliar with Essential Oils, have been known to flush with water, causing prolonged discomfort for their patient.

Are They Safe to Consume

The Vitality line of oils (white labels) have directions for internal and dietary uses. These are in our Vitality line and labeled for  "human consumption" per the F. D. A..

What you need to know - the Exact.Same.Oil is in both bottles - whether is has a colored label or it is labeled "Vitality".

ie. a bottle of Lavender EO with a purple label contains the exact same oil as the white label, Vitality Lavender.

Think of it this way, ONE OIL - TWO LABELS.

Why would we do that? It was not our choice! It's an F. D. A. requirement. They do not allow any item to have usage directions for both ingestion and topical/aromatic use on the same label.

Note: Please use Stainless Steel or Glass bottles, bowls and utensils. Essential oils can break down plastics and we wouldn't want you ingesting or being contaminated by those toxins!! PET or PETE plastics are chemical and oil resistant plastics and are safe to use with EOs. You'll find this stamped on the bottom of the container. 

Is Diffusing useful for health benefits?

The short answer is YES! When we inhale things, they enter our body quickly. Inhaled EOs have been found in blood samples within 26 seconds of inhalation. So whether it's outdoor pollution, or fumes from paint, glue, candles, or air fresheners - they all affect our health. 

There are many diffuser recipes found in our member vaults that you may enjoy, but it is safe to make up your own recipes too! There are a couple of rules of thumb. When placing drops into the diffuser, start with one drop of oil per hour of diffusing. When creating your own recipes, it is best to combine single oils with only one oil blend. 

Pets & Pregnancy, Infants & Littles

While most essential oils are safe, a few special considerations should be made when using around or on Pets, pregnant women, infants and littles. Inferior oils have been known to cause harm!

Young Living has a whole line of products dedicated to Pets and we have a Kids Scents line.

Here are some links for precautions on: Pets, Pregnancy, Infant & Littles.

Want more info on one of these subjects? We happily connect members to groups and share sources!

Is It Safe to Clean With Thieves?

Let's talk about cleaning our hands first. Did you know that traditional hand sanitizers and popular antibacterial soaps destroy your skin's microbiome? Just like too many antibiotics destroy your gut, we are destroying the very organ, our skin, that should be our first line of defense against everything that might want to attack our bodies. 

Killing the bad stuff is important - germs are what makes us sick! But traditional cleaners kill all the microorganisms, both good and bad! They are indiscriminate and kill everything. Essential Oils are inherently different. They protect the good while killing the bad.

Recently we got the F. D. A.'s approval to change the name of our Thieves Hand Purifier to Thieves Hand Sanitizer with the same labeling as other sanitizers saying it kills 99.99% of germs! This is HUGE! But we ONLY kill the bad stuff.

The same active ingredients, that is in our Thieves Essential Oil, is in all of our cleaning products. We believe it is just a matter of time before we will be able to label all of our Thieves products in the same way.

What's totally amazing is that not only will our Thieve's products effectively clean EVERYTHING, they are actually promoters of good health because the vapors is full of essential oils! Instead of choking on the fumes and wheezing, you'll get a dose of good health as you clean your toilets, kitchen sink, floors, countertops. You'll want to clean everything with Thieves once you give it a try!

Short Answer:

Yes! It is safe to clean with any and all of our Thieves products.

âž• Young and Wholly Living presents information for personal education and to motivate and empower you to take your own wellness journey. Your journey should be based on your own research and partnership with your healthcare provider.

âž• Information provided by Young and Wholly Living and Young Living products cannot be used for the purpose of diagnosing, treating, curing, or preventing disease.

Your health can be better ~ naturally. Feel free to email me for a free consultation. 
To order Young Living Essential Oils or nontoxic products, please use my link: youngliving.com - thanks!

How I'm Thriving with Severely Dry Eyes

Dry eyes can be caused by many things. Seeing a doctor to find out the cause is always a good idea.

My dry eyes are from an autoimmune condition that results in the body attacking its own moisture producing glands, called Sjogren’s Syndrome and affects about 4 million Americans. In my case, Sjogrens most severely impacted my tear ducts, which is where you body produces oils to help keep your eyes moist.

My tear ducts no longer work to produce the necessary moisture my eyes need to stay lubricated which results in sore, red and dry eyes. I have used many over the counter ointments and tear replacement drops as well as Restasis – a very expensive prescription drug. The over the counter products are expensive too. I also use night time ointment every night before I go to sleep and again in the morning. A tube lasts me about 5 days. I was also using eye drops several times during the day – a real pain. All of this is a lot of time and work remembering to pack items in your purse before you leave the house for appointments or work or travel. 

When I was introduced to Young Living Essential Oils I started exploring ways that I could use them to help me with my dry eyes. The oils I tried with the best results are 2 drops of Lavender and 2 drops of Cypress to 2 tablespoons of V6 oil. I want to stress I do NOT recommend put any oils in your eye ball area or directly on your eye lids. 

After I remove my make up and wash my face, I put one drop of this combination on my index finger and then gently swipe the oil onto my orbital bone around my eye area.

I repeat, Do NOT put the oil onto your eyelid or anywhere near the corners of your eyes, just gently swipe onto the orbital bone area around your eye. If essential oils ever touch your eye flush immediately with olive oil or any carrier oil. Do NOT use water. I got Cypress in my eye recently and it stung like crazy but within a minute or two of flushing it with olive oil it calmed down immediately.

I do this in the evening before I go to sleep.

I have enjoyed the benefits and truly find this recipe helpful in my own life. I no longer need to carry around eye drops to keep my eyes clear and pain free during the day and I no longer take Restasis.

by Tammy Taylor-Raden

Your health can be better ~ naturally. Feel free to email me for a free consultation. 
To order Young Living Essential Oils or nontoxic products, please use my link: youngliving.com - thanks!

Healthy Coffee Creamer

I saw a post for homemade Coffee Creamer, and got to thinking that perhaps I should give it a try! Most of you know I’ve been trying to decrease my sugar intake, albeit at times not very purposeful. I am trying to be very intentional about all things health! Sometimes it's overwhelming, which tells me I need to be one-stepping it. Master one, and on to the next!

I’ve tried the sugar free route… and threw out the container at one sip - gross! Let’s be real, artificial sweeteners are NOT good for anyone! There has to be something better!

The Taste:

To those who don’t know, I’m relatively new as a coffee drinker. As a teenager, my “job” was to make Mom’s coffee on the weekends. A job I thoroughly loved! Who doesn’t love the smell of coffee!? I intentionally made the process slower by taking my time to open the lid and breathe deep! To borrow a phrase from a friend, ‘oh my lands’ – it was the best smell ever! I’m sure the coffee’s taste was cut in half by how much time I spent smelling! While I loved the smell, I hated the taste!! 

Here’s the recipe I followed, but then tweaked mine:

  • Almond milk for coconut milk
Instead of 2 drops of Cinnamon Bark
  • YLEO 1 drop of Peppermint
  • Cocoa & Orange. Be Creative!
A few years before moving to the coffee capital of the world, my Sis-n-luv introduced me to what I am sure true coffeeians will claim is NOT coffee… rather, foo foo coffee! I take mine as a mocha with whip! In season, with Peppermint, and often with caramel sauce! And at home, with French Vanilla creamer!

I knew my home made coffee wouldn't wouldn't be as foo foo as I'm used to so I prepared myself for a different coffee experience. Clearly I was addicted to sugar. Now that I've changed my ways, I find the foo foo stuff is too sweet. This is my new fav! I like it better and I certainly feel better!

Overall… I am quite excited about this new adventure! It’s most definitely a step in the right direction!

Please excuse me while I enjoy my second cup!

Debbi Cotter

Your health can be better ~ naturally. Feel free to email me for a free consultation. 
To order Young Living Essential Oils or nontoxic products, please use my link: youngliving.com - thanks!

Happy Hormones Can Make You Feel Like a New Woman!

When our estrogen levels dip we suffer! 

We need a solution! Too many women suffer because: 
  1. Their hormone levels are always out of whack
  2. They get out of whack 'periodically' (pun intended)
  3. Our bodies are transitioning into a different season of life ie. when we are young, when we bear children and as we grow older and our estrogen levels plummet. There is a better way!
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