Endoflex Vitality

Wonky hormones can make you feel terrible! Endoflex is a blend of essential oils that encourages a body to naturally balance it's hormones and it supports overall wellness. Feeling good on an everyday basis should be our reality and with this essential oil blend, it may be closer than you think!

Strawberry Bars - Tasty & Healthy

I made Strawberry Bars for a shower last weekend. The recipe included white sugar and all purpose flour but I made substitutions that actually made them taste better! Maybe my taste buds are finally being transformed to crave healthier foods? If I had a pan full to bring home after the shower, I'd think that was the case, but people gobbled them up and even asked for the recipe!! They were that good. 


Eucalyptus Globulus

Eucalyptus globulus OIL

Eucalyptus Globulus supports the respiratory system and can aid in even the worst types of problems. From littles to the elderly, it can make breathing much easier!1

It also supports the muscular skeletal system2 and is often helpful when one is feeling under the weather.3


Eucalyptus is a fast-growing evergreen tree native to Australia. It is an ingredient in many products on our store shelves because it is known to help reduce symptoms of coughs, colds, and congestion. It is also featured in creams and ointments aimed at relieving muscle and joint pain. Topical ointments containing eucalyptus have been used in traditional Aboriginal medicine to support wound healing. Various uses of eucalyptus have spread to other traditional healing systems around the globe, including Chinese, Indian (Ayurvedic), and Greco-European over the past centuries.

Your health can be better ~ naturally. Feel free to email me for a free consultation. 
To order Young Living Essential Oils or nontoxic products, please use my link: youngliving.com - thanks!

Antioxidants To Boost My Immune System


This yummy drink has become my favorite daily supplement for overall wellness! The super concentrated antioxidants have helped me stay well when so many others around me were sick with all the things… 

One ounce of NingXia Red is equivalent to each of the following in terms of antioxidant nutritional value:
  • 4 pounds of carrots
  • 2 quarts of carrot juice

Citronella Oil



Historically, crushed Citronella leaves were used to deter insects. Ancient Chinese cultures found Citronella to be an effective treatment for rheumatic pain. In numerous cultures and countries, the citronella leaves have been used for treating menstruation problems, digestive problems, fevers, intestinal parasites, and insect repellants.

Peace & Calming Blend


Whether it's an important meeting that's got you wound up, tension with your partner is running high, kids are squabbling or you're just overthinking things - Peace & Calming can help. With a rollerball, it's easy and quick to apply on the go or helpful at home when you're a hot mess or just angry and need to calm down quickly. Diffusing it is a great idea when others in the room need Peace & Calming too!

Aroma Siez Blend

Aroma Siez Oil Blend

Aroma Siez™ a Young Living exclusive blend combines the relaxing properties of Lavender and energizing properties of Peppermint. The best way to make good decisions, think clearly, study, work or communicate is when our brain is calm but alert. Diffuse to enjoy the soothing yet stimulating aroma or add to V-6, or your favorite carrier oil, oil for a relaxing aromatic massage or foot rub.


Throughout history, basil was believed to have almost magical powers. It was used as an antidote for snake bites and was believed to give strength during religious fasting. In India, this herb was considered a powerful protector. As a medicinal herb, it is thought to be beneficial for poor digestion, headaches, the common cold, improved memory, anxiety, and the treatments of burns and cuts.

Marjoram has been used since ancient times as a natural treatment for many ailments. Ancient Greeks believed it helped heal from poison, convulsions, and edema. They called this herb "joy mountain" and crowned young couples with it during wedding ceremonies.

The medicinal uses of Lavender date back to 2500 BC. It is affectionately known as the Swiss Army Knife of essential oils because it offers powerful support to almost every system of the body. For centuries Lavender has been used for skin ailments. Infusions of lavender were historically used to soothe insect bites, sunburns, and cuts and burns.

Peppermint leaves were used as a remedy for indigestion since the ancient times. Egyptians, Greeks and Romans all valued it as a stomach soother. During the eighteenth century, the herb became popular in Western Europe as a remedy for nausea, vomiting, morning sickness, respiratory infections, and menstrual disorders.

Peppermint was first listed in the London Pharmacopoeia in 1721. In modern times it appears in the British Herbal pharmacopeia as a remedy for intestinal colic, gas, colds, morning sickness, and menstruation pain. It is also known to regulate body temperature.

The use of Cypress as medicine dates back to the time of the Pharaohs, who applied it for its astringent, tonifying, decongestant, and diuretic properties. It was commonly used for funerals and burial sites. Drawing from its mythological symbolism and associations, the scent is suggested as being helpful during times of transition and grief. It is known to positively affect the respiratory, circulatory, and dermatological uses.

Your health can be better ~ naturally. Feel free to email me for a free consultation. 
To order Young Living Essential Oils or nontoxic products, please use my link: youngliving.com - thanks!

Blends Especially for Mental Health

Sharing historical uses of Essential Oils can help us better know what we might like to try! Our oil blends for mental health support are powerful. Learn what's in them, and how they help. Let's talk about Motivation, Highest Potential, Valor, Acceptance, & Envision.


Dab a drop of Motivation behind your ears at the start of any endeavor that is even slightly daunting. Or slather it over your whole body! If you have very sensitive skin, just use it with a little carrier oil. Diffusing this blend while you cross things off you list will keep you going! 

To increase the benefits of this oil it may be helpful to take notes, keeping track of when you procrastinate -since procrastination seems to be the opposite of motivation! Does it have to do with the time of day? Or maybe your procrastination button is pushed when you’re intimidated by a task? Or, do you feel demotivated when in the presence of certain people? Whatever the reason, Motivation Essential Oil blend can be helpful. Roman Chamomile, Black Spruce, Ylang Ylang, and Lavender are known to relax a stressed mind giving you the ability to think clearly and take action. 


The calming and medicinal uses of Chamomile date back thousands of years. It is one of the oldest

Cypress Essential Oil

Sharing historical uses of Essential Oils can help us better know what we might like to try! Let's talk about:


In Ancient Egypt, it was commonly used for funerals and burial sites. Likely because it was thought to be helpful during times of grief, loss or transition.

Rose of Sharon Essential Oil

Sharing historical uses of Essential Oils can help us better know what we might like to try! Let's talk about a little known oil:


Click to learn more about this essential oil...

Detox Your Indoor Air To Relieve Chronic Issues

"Get that away from me!" 

Have you ever been with someone who said that? I have - many times! It's always someone who knows what their triggers are - for some it's perfume, for others it's air fresheners, cleaning supplies, smoke etc. . . Unfortunately most of us don't know what our triggers are!

All we know is that we have sinus problems, migraines, sore throats, asthma attacks or breakouts of eczema way way too often. Or maybe your ears get stopped up, your eyes itch, you sneeze or. . . the list goes on and on. We suffer, but we don't know why! If we don't know our triggers, how can we relieve our chronic issues? There is a way. And it is SO very worth it!!

Most commercial cleaning products are full of super nasty, 'get-that-away-from-me' ingredients. According to the American Lung Association, the ingredients in most commercial solutions, sprays, and scrubs can:

  • Be air pollutants
  • Contain harmful chemicals
  • Be flammable or corrosive
  • Irritate eyes and/or throat
  • Cause headaches
  • Contribute to health issues such as chronic respiratory problems and allergic reactions
It's important to note that many ingredients that are legal in the US have been banned in...


Enzymes for Food Allergies - Dairy, Gluten & SEASONAL!

It seems like most people deal with either seasonal or food allergies. Or both! Fortunately we can take steps to reduce our suffering. Fixing our gut issues is foundational. Less brain fog, more clarity, less inflammation, fewer allergic reactions and better overall health.

Gut health is affected by many things1 2 3, but starting with enzymes may be your best choice because the enzymes we should be consuming from our food are often missing - destroyed by cooking, storage and farming methods.

Without proper digestion we rob our bodies! Enzymes help digest food so that our bodies can utilize the nutrients we need for life and good health and only excrete waste. Enzymes can reduce...


Tackling Allergies Naturally

Gesundeit, or God bless you!! 
Spring is just around the corner!! 🌼🌺🌷 Woohoo! But for many, that means you'll be sneezing and sniffing as your body tries to survive all the pollen! The sight of a crocus poking through the ground makes me smile nowadays, but the very sight used to make me start to itch!! It's a trade off when you take allergy meds, feel better now but suffer side effects like drowsiness, dry mouth etc... And then there are the long term side effects that cost us our health.

Thankfully there are ways to avoid allergy meds and keep us all healthier! Learn how to combat allergies by nurturing your gut health with diet, probiotics and enzymes and use essential oils to help promote immunity and reduce your symptoms..

A 3 Minute Read to Get Over/Through Unmet Expectations

Unmet expectations are disappointing, but staying down too long hurts you and everyone in your sphere of influence. Overwhelming sadness that your dream was squashed (or lost), feeling unloved, unworthy or even betrayed, is bound to cause great pain.  

When we don't give the proper attention to our wounds they do not heal well. 

We know this is true in regards to fleshly wounds. Wounds to our heart also need proper attention! They may leave a scar, but the pain will subside once healed. Only then can you, once again, enjoy freedom in your spirit and joy in your heart.

So how do we get over or through unmet expectations? It is our beliefs that ultimately allow us to heal. Do you believe 'everything happens for a reason' OR 'God loves me and wants the best for me'? I subscribe to the latter.  That said, I have not always applied my belief well because it's hard to do in the midst of pain! It takes humility, courage and love to do the work, and, the work itself can be painful. 

What does the work look like for you? Natural solutions can be just what you need. There's plenty of evidence in the National Library of Medicine proving the effectiveness of essential oils! 

The evidence is proven by the top brain doctors in the world. 

"When you think of treatment for psychiatric issues like ADD/ADHD, anxiety, or depression, your mind probably goes straight to prescription medications. But popping pills isn’t your only option, and don’t ever believe a healthcare professional who says so." — Dr. Daniel Amen
That said, professional help may be in order. Using EOs in addition to therapy can prove highly beneficial. 

All bodies respond differently but here are some great ideas for getting started.

If you have an oily starter kit, Frankincense, Valor, Lemon, Peppermint and Lavender can be helpful. Take a look at the Feeling's Kit Protocol to get an idea of how to use oils for emotional support.

There's no reason to stay in pain. Tending to your wounds and healing with be well worth it!

Your health can be better ~ naturally. Feel free to email me for a free consultation. 
To order Young Living Essential Oils or nontoxic products, please use my link: youngliving.com - thanks!

CrAzY HoRmOnEs - Better Solutions

Love is in the air! And CrAzY HoRmOnEs can really mess up our life!

The endocrine system is an extensive network of glands that produce the hormones we need to regulate metabolism, sexual function, growth, mood and more. As we move through the stages of life, our hormone levels fluctuate, at times producing more of some hormones and less of others. 

The transition times can make us feel crazy and suffer all kinds of unpleasantries! But, with the right essential oils and/or supplements - it does NOT have to be that way! Everybody's body is different, but millions of people have sailed through the transitions feeling great. 

When our bodies are in transition or are deficient, we need help! Essential Oils work very differently than drugs. They support your body's systems and in many circumstances, can stimulate it to produce what it needs. Truly, they are a gift from God for so many of us!!

If you haven't already,
Register now & mark your calendar for Feb 25th!
Just Register & Attend to receive a gift!! (stateside only)
One lucky person will WIN a bottle of:
Peace & Calming - a Young Living favorite! 


When a child enters puberty and their body begins to change, their hormones can make them experience their emotions on a whole new level! Physical changes typically begin between the ages of 8 and 14. Early onset is clearly linked1 to toxins. Most of which can be avoided with the Young Living lifestyle. Communication, parent to child, during these years, is paramount for helping them navigate life well. Informing them that "normal" varies widely, can reduce their stress tremendously. Ongoing, open lines of communication helps their emotional stability. 

Kids are not always easy to love, but choosing to be kind to them, and listening to them, even when they are reacting with undue emotional intensity, gives them the stability they are desperately seeking. Their hormones can make them feel personally unstable. You are their stability. Be there for them in kind, subtle ways. They need you most when they are pushing you away.

Hormones that increase during puberty can cause acne on the face and body, increase sweating etc.. EndoFlex essential oil may help with mood swings, and our powerful Acne Treatment is a plant-based answer for acne and minor blemishes without the damaging side effects of drugs.

WOMEN: The fertile years for women are marked by the menstrual cycle, which is regulated by hormones produced in the pituitary gland and ovaries. Luteinizing hormones and follicle-stimulating hormones, which are produced by the pituitary gland, promote ovulation and stimulate the ovaries to produce estrogen and progesterone. These are the hormones that stimulate the uterus and breasts to prepare for possible fertilization.
All these fluctuating hormone levels, month after month after month, can wreak havoc and can be associated with mood swings, sugar cravings, and hormone-related acne, cramps etc... 

Dragon Time is known for reducing mood swings and overly intense emotions, while Progessence Plus can help with period discomfort. Our Slique products are fantastic for curbing cravings!

MEN: Typically, men struggle more with working too much, self doubt and anger during these high testosterone years. Stress, even if self-induced, for performing well at work and creating financial stability, can be overwhelming. Marriages can suffer because, the desire to do well at work to increase financial security for the family keeps men away from home causing the wife to feel neglected - it can be a vicious cycle!  All of this can lead to being overwhelmed and feeling like they are unable to achieve what they want both at work and at home. 

Focus, attention and concentration can be difficult because they are always feeling pulled to be the place they are aren't.  No fun for anyone!

Stress Away and Peace and Calming are both popular for easing frustration and anger. Cedarwood and Vetiver are known to help when it's hard to concentrate, whether induced by stress or when focus and attention is normally an issue.  

Unhealthy coping habits can include poor diet which can exacerbate hormonal issues. Our Slique products are fantastic for curbing cravings in men and women.


WOMEN: Menopause and perimenopause are the most typical causes of aging-related hormonal challenges. It begins when a woman's body begins producing less and less estrogen and progesterone. It’s normal but not nice - unless of course you manage it well! Hot flashes, vaginal dryness, decreased libido, insomnia, irritability/depression, are common. Very often, women begin experiencing these symptoms in their 40's, not realizing the cause. The great thing about using a Young Living products to manage your symptoms is you don't face the risk of damaging side effects caused by drugs and the benefits are proven!

Per an article on PubMed, "It has long been recognized that some essential oils have the efficacy of alleviating menopausal symptoms. On the basis of this, it is possible that these essential oils have the potency to facilitate estrogen secretion in women."2

There are many oils and supplements that may benefit you. Here are two testimonies.
"I'm using the SclarEssence Vitality internally by putting 8 drops in a gelatin cap with a little carrier oil, and gradually over about a month the hot flashes have all but disappeared. I also take Thyromin once a day for further glandular support and the Endoflex oil blend, a few drops applied topically over my adrenals and thyroid. I sleep better, wake up more refreshed and have fewer mood swings. I can't say enough about how much essential oils have helped me in countless ways." - Jan, YL member since 2008
"Femigen capsules along with Progessence Plus keep hot flashes at bay. I am so thankful for them both!" -Connie Sue Soules 
The benefits of Progessence Plus are amazing. Dr. Dan Purser wrote an article to help explain how and why it works so well. Read it on our Wholly Living Community Vault.

MEN: While most men look forward to the day they retire, the changes in their bodies also create challenges. Although peri-MAN-opause is not a coined term - it should be! Men's testosterone begins to drop by about 1-2% a year beginning around their 40th birthday. You hear "Low T" commercials a lot because the challenges are real!3

Often men are not aware that the waning drive for their work, fatigue and mild depression are simply due to a drop in their testosterone levels. Grouchiness and lethargy cause problems at home and other relationships can suffer too. Until their sex drive is noticeably different, most men are not conscious that something could be amiss. Although this is a normal symptom of aging, men feel significantly better with higher testosterone levels.

The cost for treating Low T medically is quite expensive and the side effects, according to Harvard Health4 can include: acne, breathing difficulties, breast swelling/tenderness, swollen ankles, increased chances of a blood clot. 

Idaho Blue Spruce5 is a beast when it comes to men feeling on top of their game naturally! 

I have been given permission to share lab records of a customer (upon request) showing increase of 30+ points in six months.

Your health can be better ~ naturally. Feel free to email me for a free consultation. 
To order Young Living Essential Oils or nontoxic products, please use my link: youngliving.com - thanks!

Oils and Emotions

Uncertainties surround us. Tough conversations are being had. Many of us are feeling misunderstood. Unresolved issues may be resurfacing. Stress is a given.

Staying grateful and positive is the kind of person we want to be and, we know it impacts our physical and emotional health... but it is really hard! And trying to maintain it all the time can be exhausting. However, there are a few tips that can make dealing with the reality of life a lot easier.

So let's get real and talk about all the feels and where they come from!

We're going to dive right in and talk about words that can make some people cringe!
*Note: If you want to research for yourself, checkout the footnotes.

The Science - Energy, Atoms, Vibrations, Frequencies

What do those words have to do with emotions or essential oils? A lot! But we’re only going to talk about them a little because I don’t want to lose you if you were one of those people who hated science class!

Here goes...

Everything is made up of atoms and atoms are in constant motion. An indisputable fact – right? Basic chemistry teaches us that the speed of the atoms determines whether things appear as a solid, liquid, or gas.  

Albert Einstein discovered The Law of Vibration. We may not think of it often, but it is taught in schools of every faith. It is not in question. We know it is true.

  • The Law of Vibration states that 'nothing rest; everything moves; everything vibrates.'
Most of this motion is undetectable to humans without modern equipment. Sound waves are one manifestation of this law that many people understand. If you’ve ever studied music or sound engineering, you know exactly what I am talking about. Low sounds are slow vibrations, whereas high sounds are fast vibrations. Clearly not all vibrations create sound.

Very Simply:
  • Energy is what causes atoms to move.
  • That movement is called a vibration.
  • Vibrations are measured in frequencies.

Our bodies and every organ in our body, even our emotions can be measured in frequencies. “The Scale of Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE) measures the frequency of positive and negative affect.”1

Here are some examples of emotional energy that you feel. Think about times when you’ve had a nervous stomach, a stress headache, your heart flutters or you are jittery with excitement.    
The difference between the manifestations of the physical, mental, and emotional simply come from different levels of vibrating energy, or frequencies. The feelings of fear, grief, and despair vibrate at a very low frequency, but the feelings of love, joy and gratitude vibrate much faster.  

The Brain and Heart

Interestingly, the heart sends messages about motivation, feelings, emotions etc. to the brain.  We used to believe that the brain was the only Grand Central Station for thinking, feeling and emotional activity. But we now know that the heart sends more signals to the brain than the other way around! While the brain may control the heart’s physical activity, the heart is clearly involved in our emotions.2

People say they are heart-broken because that is where they feel it - in their heart!! Flutters of love, excitement etc… where do you feel them? Not in your head! In your heart.3

Our electromagnetic field radiates from our hearts. If this intrigues you, there are many, many articles on nlm.org and heartmath.org. You’ll find out that your emotional state produces a certain kind of energy - positive or negative, and it radiates from your body4 approximately three feet. So when you think to yourself, I don’t like being around that person because “I feel their negative energy” – you really do!  

This may be a lot to get your head around, so let’s get back to our emotions. Most of us struggle to be positive – it’s human nature. Normalizing this, can help us realize we aren’t alone, but we have to be careful as it can become an excuse for staying down in the dumps.

There are so many things we can do to change our emotional state. If you’ve tried and failed, it’s time to try something new! Well, actually, Essential Oils are not new! They have been helping people for thousands of years. They were mentioned over 180 times in the Bible for physical, emotional and spiritual health.

The Spiritual Connection

Understanding how God created things, helps me understand why and how essential oils are helpful.

One of the ways Essential Oils impact our bodies is their frequency. Most people know of Frankincense because it was a gift brought to baby Jesus in the Christmas story. It’s always been highly valued because of Its impact on human health - physical, emotional and spiritual. Now we understand it’s value on a scientific level! It’s frequency is greater than most other oils, making it more powerful.

Don’t you love it when science catches up to your faith?! These verses all speak of the heart as though emotions emanate from it.
  • Do not let your heart be troubled and do not be afraid.
  • Out of the heart, the mouth speaks.
  • Sing and make music from your heart.
  • Do not lose heart.
  • Love God with all your heart.

God has always known that love vibrates at a high frequency and hate at a very low frequency! He made it that way! And, He created the electromagnetic field that is produced by our hearts. Energy and vibrations are His creations - let’s not let our faith be shaken by those who take things meant for good and use them for evil.

The Brain & Emotions

Your Mental Health

Life brings with it hardships, stress and trauma. Whether it's divorce, natural disaster, loss of a loved one, an injury, or, witnessing something that shook you to your bones - these things affect our physical and emotional well being. Unmet expectations, realizing that your life is not what you’d hoped it would be and feelings of great disappointment also wreak havoc on our mental health. Extreme or prolonged stress and trauma can produce similar results and can cause our brains to rewire. This can happen when...

Emotions Get Repressed

To survive, you may have put a smile on your face and chosen to stay in the game - going to work everyday, taking care of kids, being a good spouse. Actually, these behaviors can help you deal positively with negative emotions, but often, instead of dealing with the emotions, we get busy and repress them. When our emotions are overwhelming, our brain helps us cope. Compartmentalizing,5 fragmenting and/or dissociating are survival strategies. These can be helpful in the short term but, when memories get “locked down” for decades, they can resurface later in life causing us to experience the brutality of the pain once again. Other long-term effects we may experience: relationship & attachment issues, health issues, emotional dysregulation, cognitive impairment, feelings of unworthiness, anger etc. . .

Your Trauma Is Stored In Your Body

“Repressed traumas caused by overwhelming emotion can be stored in a body part,” according to Neuroscientist Candace Pert. This is a widely held belief and, if it is true, applying essential oils to that body part may help.

Cells have memory

What we know for sure is that we are made up of an insane number of cells and your cells, just like your brain, have a memory. Therefore the above theory is plausible.

It is the nucleus, which lives inside the cell that is the "thinker." It tells the cell what to do, and it's where our DNA is located. Research shows that our DNA can actually change. Dr. Leaf says that our thoughts shape our brain and Dr. Daniel Amen uses Spec Scans verifying this finding by actually looking at his patient’s brains in action. I have seen his pictures, and have seen the holes in an unhealthy brain. Negative thoughts create ruts or holes in our brains while positive thoughts fill it in making it smooth, quite literally, paving the way for a brighter future.

Reframe Your Memory

To reframe your memories may seem counterproductive or inauthentic. Minimizing our trauma, stress or pain is not helpful. But reliving it is not helpful either. We must work through it, recognize it’s reality and find a perspective that releases us from it’s life sucking grip so we can move on. A lot of research has been done, and it’s a huge discovery that is giving new meaning and purpose to people who have given up on life, or maybe just given up on their hopes and dreams. This practice of reframing memories is also saving marriages!6

Positive thoughts create positive pathways in our brain which profoundly affect our mental and physical health.7

A quote from the founder of Young Living Essential oils, “Negative experiences and ideas are recorded in our brains and locked into our memories throughout our lives. These memories range from mild to extreme and have a profound effect on our health and happiness. In order to become who we are intended to be, we must erase these negative experiences and reprogram our thoughts to make positive ideas our reality.” -D. Gary Young.

He founded Young Living Essential Oils more than 25 years ago and though he is no longer with us, he would undoubtedly be thrilled to see how many articles are being published regarding the things he brought to the attention of the medical world, validating his life’s work.

Therapy, Oils, & Effort

That said, counseling/therapy is a must for many people. Verbally processing and learning new skills to deal with our pain can help. And there's a time and a place for modern medicine.

But just like most well-studied doctors of psychiatry today, we want to help people find natural solutions if at all possible. Essential Oils work amazingly well for millions of people, and you can find hundreds of articles on PubMed validating the findings.

Neither medicine nor natural solutions alone will heal a person’s heart. We need God’s supernatural help which requires an effort to change our behaviors and thought patterns that are negatively impacting us.

We don't have to allow stress, hardships, trauma, unmet expectations and disappointments to sabotage our lives.

Our Company, Our Guarantee, Our Oils

Our Credibility is Well Established

We have millions of customers all over the world who are on our subscribe and save program because experience with OUR essential oils has changed their lives. In addition, the case for this presentation is well documented, footnotes included. You’ll notice none of them are from some green green granny’s blog! Most are from pubmed.gov, a website where doctors and scientists publish their findings if they are deemed worthy (aka, peer reviewed), and a few other reputable sites. We (YL) have worked with the FDA extensively for years. Of course, our claims are constantly challenged, as they should be, but the reward of continuing to work with them has proven to be worth the investment. Check out this short explanation of our purity guarantee. www.seedtoseal.com

An Oil Is An Oil is an Oil - False

As I present oils to help with emotional health, I am only talking about Young Living Essential oils. Not all oils are created equal. Most have a tiny fraction of essential oil to keep their cost low. Their fragrance comes from the same synthetics used in other products causing untold numbers of adverse reactions and toxins being stored in the body. “Prior research found that common fragranced products, even those called green and organic, emitted hazardous air pollutants, more than two thirds of the population were not aware of this, and over 60 % would not continue to use a fragranced product if they knew it emitted such pollutants.”8 You cannot know what is inside a bottle by looking at a label, as the labelling laws do not require every ingredient to be listed. However, we would not have credibility with the FDA (or NASA - did I mention NASA? :)) if we did not live up to our Seed to Seal guarantee. We have led the way for 25 years and continue to be the frontrunner in producing 100% pure organic, therapeutic grade essential oils and hundreds of products to make your home a toxic free zone!

A Deeper Look at Oils

Therapeutic Essential oils are made up of tiny molecules that can be absorbed by the skin, inhaled or ingested. (Our Vitality Line is FDA approved for ingestion.) No matter how we use them, they enter our bloodstream, and are carried to every cell of the body within minutes.

Aromas & Emotions

Have you ever smelled a cookie baking and been transported back in time to a fond memory of baking with a loved one? What about those times when you've smelled glue or paints and thought back to your elementary school days when you loved art? There's a scientific explanation for this...

  • Fragrance is the substance of memories. In less than a second, a scent has the power to activate a number of physical and emotional responses that, perhaps, you have long forgotten about. It’s pleasant when that memory is positive but when it’s not...

  • Inhaling the pure, organic, therapeutic grade essential oils, can stimulate the olfactory receptors and activate regions in the brain’s limbic system associated with memory, emotion, and state of mind. It’s the brain’s center of emotion and memory as well as the “unconscious brain.”9

  • Certain essential oils work by calming the central nervous system, helping us to relax.

  • Ready to learn something wild? A very acidic body can cause anxiety and panic attacks! Getting your PH balanced is crucial if you struggle with these.10 Our top-of-the-line supplements are all infused with Essential Oils maximizing their effectiveness. Alkalime is a fantastic supplement for supporting healthy PH levels.

  • Pure therapeutic grade essential oils can also help in the release of old emotional traumas. In 1989, Dr Joseph Ledoux from NY Medical University discovered that the amygdala (in the limbic center of the brain) plays a role in the storage and release of emotional traumas. He suggested that aromas could trigger an emotional release.

  • In addition, terpenes,11 found in essential oils, have an oxygenating effect on the brain. They are proven to help quickly by penetrating the blood-brain barrier.12 These molecules combined with the pure aroma have a therapeutic effect assisting the release of emotional blockages.

  • CBD has been highly effective for people suffering from mood disorders. Until recently The Entourage Effect (the part needed for mood disorders) could only be found in Broad Spectrum CBD which contains the psychoactive component, THC. Simply put The Entourage Effect means that all of the components must work together as an entourage (group) to be effective. Check out the fascinating article!13

    Many people are unable to take CBD because they need to pass a drug test for work.

    Young Living’s CBD is unique in that it has the Entourage Effect without any of the psychoactive THC! Scientists were able to achieve this by replacing the terpenes found in THC (that we remove) with terpenes from other essential oils.13 Our CBD is worth every penny! You can go to work, pass a drug test and feel good both mentally and physically when you use Young Living’s Nature’s Ultra CBD.

Essential Oils are a gift to help us rewire our brains, deal with emotions, and conquer unhealthy thought patterns!

Reframe Rewire Reboot!

An essential oil’s frequency, terpenes, and aromas have a powerful effect helping us to reframe memories that reside in our cells, rewire our brain and they aid in giving us the courage and freedom to reboot!

If you are struggling, and feel like your life needs a reboot ,or you've gone through a super tough season, you might want to try The Feelings Kit.

To help you I’ve included two sets of affirmations. One is for general use. The second is faith-based and my personal preference. Use the ones you identify with most - or be inspired to create your own!

A Few Notes On Using Oils

  • Apply & Reapply!

    When you are out of sorts, apply often and restate your affirmations because Essential Oils are metabolized quickly. My recommendation is every couple of hours. Applying to the specified area listed is great, but applying to all your pulse points is highly effective!

  • Diffuse

    The general rule of thumb is one drop of oil for every hour of diffusing. ie We run our diffuser at night for 8 hours therefore we put in 8 drops of oil. (and sometimes a lot more!)


A powerful balancer and a YL member fave! When I just feel off, and don't and need an oil quick, I reach for Valor - it is my go-to oil! It smells delightful, promotes courage and may just be what you need to:

  • step onto the school bus for the first time
  • get through our first presentation
  • take the first step towards a goal
  • make a leap!

HOW TO USE: Topical:

Apply 2-4 drops directly to the left shoulder blade. Dilution is not required, except for the most sensitive skin. Reapply often. Diffuse.


"I inhale courage and exhale fear."
"I amstrong and of good courage. The Lord my God goes with me." (Deut. 31:6)


Release Essential Oil is an effective blend for releasing negative memories that are stored on a cellular level. It can also help you release anger and current negative emotions.


Apply 2-4 drops directly below your throat but above your clavicle. Dilution is not required, except for the most sensitive skin. Reapply often. Diffuse.


"I let go of all the things that hurt me and choose to focus on positive, good things."
"I throw off everything that hinders me and set my eyes on the goodness God has for me." (Heb. 12:1)


Forgiveness is uplifting and releasing at the same time! It facilitates the release of hurtful memories and promotes a willingness to move forward.


Use this blend topically or in a diffuser to help feel and process forgiveness. Apply 2-4 drops directly to your right rib cage or the center of your right foot. Dilution not required, except for the most sensitive skin. Reapply often. Diffuse.


"Forgiveness is a gift to myself."
"I am a new creation. this old has gone, the new is here. I forgive as I have been forgiven." (2 Cor. 5:17)

Present Time

Present Time Essential Oil promotes feelings of living in the moment and opens up new possibilities!


Apply 2-4 drops directly to the area two inches below the belly button. Dilution not required, except for the most sensitive skin. Reapply often. Diffuse.


"I am fully focused and present in my interactions."
"God is present with me, a strong warrior who saves me. He calms me with his love and delights in me." (Zeph. 3:17)

Inner Child

Inner Child can help you access your creativity and your inner child. It can stimulate memory and help you reconnect with your own hard-wiring, allowing you to remember and embrace the person you were created to be. It is excellent for use with children who’ve had a troubled past or who are going through a difficult time emotionally.


Dilute 1 drop with 1 drop of V-6™ or another carrier oil and apply to your earlobe. Reapply often. Diffuse.


"My personality, my inborn gifts, my strengths and life itself is a gift."
"I am wonderfully made. I am free to be myself, experience joy, and have contentment as a child of God." Ps. 139: 14, 1 Jn 5:12


Harmony oil blend brings harmony to your body. It is said to be one of the only essential oils that can create balance for your entire body. Harmony helps us to feel confident, and balances our nervous system’s reaction to stress.


Apply 2-4 drops to your collarbone for inner harmony and repeat the suggested affirmation. Dilution not required, except for the most sensitive skin. Reapply often. Use as needed. Diffuse.


"Harmony and joy surround me."
"I choose love today, which binds everything together in perfect harmony." Col. 3:1 

The Oils in The Feelings Kit are perfect to:

  • Diffuse around children playing to keep the atmosphere light and fun.
  • Diffuse with your spouse to bring a sense of harmony to your home.
  • Diffuse during community gatherings to help you feel unified.
  • Diffuse during family reunions to keep the peace!
  • Diffuse in the classroom to open minds to learning.

Have a starter Kit?

If you’ve purchased a Premium Starter Kit, you have eight oils in your possession that have the potential of working miracles for your mental health!

The key for finding out which oils work best for you is using them consistently.

Think about it like this… Seasonal allergies were horrific in our house! Back when we used medicine to treat our allergies we had SO many different kinds of medicines. Trying to find one that worked was challenging and what worked for one of us didn’t work for the others. Eventually we each landed on one that helped, at least for a while. Unfortunately, we are all suffering the consequences of heavy toxic burden due to the overuse of medicine. The great news about Essential Oils is they help reduce your toxic burden! So have fun trying them and get your kids involved in the process. The eight oils in the Premium Starter Kit that you’ll want to try are: • Frankincense • Lavender • Peace & Calming • Stress Away • Lemon (citrus oils) • Valor • Peppermint • Theives •

You Are Worth It!

Your emotional well-being is worth your time and investment! No one can create the bright future you always imagined - except you!

May I help you get started? I’m here to help. Please reach out to me or your friend that shared this info with you.

Suzette Parker

Thank you Niccole Perez. You inspire me to research and make things my own, so I can share authentically. People helping people - that’s what you model, that’s what we do!



Your health can be better ~ naturally. Feel free to email me for a free consultation. 
To order Young Living Essential Oils or nontoxic products, please use my link: youngliving.com - thanks!

Oils For Skincare

Geranium essential oil (Pelargonium graveolens) is carefully steam distilled from the fragrant flowers and leaves. We know it as a popular garden plant in North America, but it actually native to South Africa. 

With it's sweet, floral scent, it is used in many commercial perfumes. Widely known as a fantastic hormone support, it is also excellent for healthy skin and beautification.
  • Can calm sensitive skin.
  • A gentle oil great for baby's cradle cap. Just dilute with a carrier oil and massage into scalp.
  • Relief for a breastfeeding mother's cracked or painful nipples.1
  • For dry skin, add a drop or two to a carrier oil or your favorite body wash and/or lotion. 
  • Use in bath to create a spa-like experience and give your skin a full body treat.
  • Supports healthy circulation, improving the look of your skin.
Other Historical Uses of Geranium Petals
The use of geranium as an aromatic plant is known to have existed for thousands of years and goes all the way back to the early days of the Egyptians. The upper class typically used it to improve and beautify their skin and to help relieve anxiety by making serums and salves with the petals of the flower. What has been historically dismissed for 110+ years is now being validated with recent studies.2

Tea Tree Essential Oil, also known as Melaleuca alternifolia or Melaleuca Essential Oil, is one of the most widely used and extensively researched oils, making it a must-have for every home. Benefits include:

  • Cleansing for face and body.
  • Helps keep skin clear of blemishes.
  • Use directly on blemish by dabbing with a cotton swab.
  • Scalp and hair treatments.  
As one of the most researched essential oils, there are more than 270 articles on nlm.org (National Library of Medicine/PubMed). It is a powerhouse oil, proven to do so many things! From the the reduction of lice3 to the reduction of blemishes, to things I cannot say (because I am not a doctor). . . this oil has gotten the attention it deserves.

Other Historical Uses of Tea Tree
The leaves of the melaleuca tree (or tea tree) have been used for centuries by indigenous Australians to heal cuts, wounds, and skin infections. The Aborigines used "tea trees" as a traditional medicine by inhaling the oils from the crushed leaves to treat coughs and colds. They also crushed the leaves, sprinkled them on wounds, and used them to make treatments for sore throats and skin ailments.

Manuka essential oil comes from the myrtle family, Myrtaceae, and is native to Australia and New Zealand. Steam distilled from the leaves and stems of the plant, Manuka oil has a woodsy, slightly sweet scent. Here's how Manuka can be added to your beauty regimen.

  • Add a drop to your skin care products to calm the appearance of dry, irritation.
  • Reduce blemishes by using a cotton swab to dab it on (similar to Tea Tree).4
  • Apply topically to feet or toenails to keep them healthy.
  • Use in a foot soak to invigorate tired feet and to keep nails pretty.
Historical Uses of Manuka
Manuka was used throughout New Zealand and Australia as a remedy for urinary complaints and to reduce fever. Head colds were treated by inhaling the steam of boiling water with Manuka. A tincture prepared from the leaves and bark created a warm liquid that was rubbed on stiff muscles and aching joints to treat scalds and burns. Chewing the bark was said to have a relaxing effect and enhanced restful sleep.

Orange essential oil, cold-pressed from the rinds of oranges, has a juicy aroma reminiscent of the fresh fruit. It has such a pleasant aroma that it is used in several Young Living blends. In addition to being great for skin, Orange oil offers a sweet, peaceful aroma that can fill a room with a sense of peace, harmony, and creativity.

  • To brighten skin, apply topically in a carrier oil or lotion.* 
  • Helps with oily skin.
  • Calms skin irritation. 
  • Try making Orange essential oil part of your morning routine—either diffused or applied topically—to start your day off with an inspiring boost of citrus aroma. 
*Orange, like other citrus oils, can cause photosensitivity, so avoid applying to exposed skin before spending time out in the sun.

Historical Uses of Orange Peel
People have used citrus fruits as a source of medicines for thousands of years. Herbalists have used the rinds as medicine for numerous maladies throughout history including jaundice and scurvy. Herbalists have used citrus peel to improve digestion, relieve intestinal gas and bloating, and resolve phlegm. This peel acts primarily on the digestive and respiratory systems.

Mastrante is part of the Verbenaceae shrub family, and Genus Species - Lippa alba. It's essential oil has an earthy aroma that can be enjoyed topically or aromatically. This particular variety is high in limonene and carvone and promotes radiant-looking skin.

  • A drop or two in a carrier oil or lotion will brightens skin.
  • Combine with epsom salts to create a relaxing bath for an all-over glow.
  • Revive tired joints and feet by mixing with a carrier oil and massing into skin.
Other Historical Uses of Mastrante
Mastrante has been used medicinally for thousands of years by indigenous peoples in Central/South America. It’s known for its digestive soothing effects as well as somatic, sedative, antidepressant, and analgesic properties. Massaged into joints or used in baths, it's known to revive a sore, tired body. Also used in areas where ticks are prevalent.5

Your health can be better ~ naturally. Feel free to email me for a free consultation. 
To order Young Living Essential Oils or nontoxic products, please use my link: youngliving.com - thanks!

Thieves Cleaner In Doctor's Offices

These days we are all concerned about decontamination. . . seeing it in my doctor's office, convinced me to get rid of every other cleaner I owned. Now I have Thieves Household Cleaner (THHC), baking soda and essential oils - that's it! 

Here's What To Do:
In a glass or PETE plastic spray bottle, mix Thieves Household Cleaner (THHC) with water according to the directions on the bottle. This all purpose cleaner can be used for just about everything! Literally! 

1. Door Knobs
2. Light Switches and Plates
3. Kitchen Countertops & Cabinets
4. Kitchen, Bathroom & Mudroom Sinks
5. Baseboards
6. Refrigerator Shelves
7. Toys
8. Window Panes
9. Stainless Steel 
10. All Appliances

For the hurried cleaner. . . simply have 2 dilutions of Thieves Household Cleaner - the weakest and strongest found on the back of the THHC bottle. The weakest for glass and stainless steel and the strongest for most everything else. Keep these two spray bottles and a shaker of baking soda (I love this one). Also, for when you have a sticky mess, a bottle of Lemon essential oil, and you're good to go! 

I used to have cupboards and cupboards of cleaning supplies. I spent hundreds of dollars on them!! This saves me so much money and I have 100% confidence my cleaning supplies are safe and effective. 

If you like DIYs or need a little scrubbing action. . .  

11. Toilets - Sprinkle the toilet bowl with a generous amount of baking soda. Spray THHC on top of the soda and let sit while you clean the rest of the toilet. Spray and wipe down the whole toilet, except the bowl, then use a toilet scrubber for the bowl. Flush and you're done!  

12. Trash Can Scrub
Empty trash can and fill with water. Pour 1-2 capfuls of THHC directly into the can and let sit for several hours, If needed, scrub stubborn stains with a brush. Empty can and wipe dry. For an ongoing fresh scent, place a few drops of Purification on a cotton ball and put it in the bottom of the trash can before replacing the liner.

13. Stove-top Cleaner
In a spray bottle or bowl, combine 1 capful THHC, 1 drop Pine essential oil, and 1 cup water. Apply with cloth to remove buildup. Repeat if necessary. For heavy grease, or cooked on food, apply generously and let sit for a few minutes.

14. Garbage Disposal Refresher
Pour 1 capful of THHC down the disposal. Let sit 5 minutes, then add ½ cup baking soda and ½ cup white vinegar. Let sit until fizzing stops. Meanwhile, bring 4 cups of water to a boil; pour down the drain. Turn on disposal and run cold water for 30 seconds. Pour 3 drops of Purification Essential Oil blend in the disposal for an extra-fresh scent.

14. Dishwasher Cleaner
In the bottom of the dishwasher, add ½ capful of THHC, 3 drops Lemon, and 1 cup white vinegar. Run empty dishwasher through a full cycle. Do not add detergent.

15. Ceiling Fan Cleaner
In a spray bottle or bowl, mix 1 capful THHC and 2 cups water. Wipe/dust off fan blades, light fixture, and ceiling mount with a damp cloth. Dip the same cloth in the solution and thoroughly wipe down the blades to remove built-up dust. Dry with a clean cloth.

16. Carpet Spot Cleaner
For a fresh spot, a light dilution of THHC will work well. For a spot that is set in, use a heavier dilution. Spray carpet and blot with a clean cloth. Repeat until stain is gone.

17. Car Seat Cleaner
Mix 2 capfuls of THHC with 2 cups of water in a spray bottle. Spray plastic and fabric lightly and wipe with a soft cloth. To clean the harness, mix a small amount of baby wash with 2 cups of water. Gently wipe with a soft cloth. Avoid hard scrubbing or soaking. Let everything dry completely before using.

18. Wall Art Remover
Remove crayon murals from the walls by applying a splash of THHC and 3 drops of Lemon to a damp rag. Wipe drawings off the walls. Repeat until the art is gone.

19. Glass and Window Cleaner
In a spray bottle, mix 3 cups water, 5 drops Citrus Fresh, 1 tablespoon vinegar, and 1 capful THHC. Spray onto glass and wipe away streaks with a soft cloth.

20. Deep Cleaning Scrub
In a glass bowl, mix ½ capful of THHC, 2 tablespoons baking soda, and 2 tablespoons table salt until it forms a thin paste. If the cleaner is too thick, add more THHC. If it is too runny, add more baking soda. Scrub stubborn bathroom and kitchen stains by applying with a clean cloth or a sponge. Scrub surface thoroughly, and rinse clean.

21. Lazy Day Toilet Scrub
Make these for the days when cleaning the toilet sounds overwhelming!


Thieves Cleaning Fizzies  - GREAT for Toilets

  • 1 cup baking soda
  • ½ cup citric acid
  • ½ cup cornstarch
  • 4 teaspoons water
  • 40 drops Lemon essential oil or Thieves or Citrus Fresh essential oil blends
  • 3 teaspoons V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex
  • Ice cube tray or candy mold


  1. In a large bowl, combine all dry ingredients and mix evenly.
  2. In a separate bowl, combine water, essential oils or blends, and V-6.
  3. Pour liquids into the large bowl and whisk together until combined.
  4. Use mixture to fill ice cube tray or candy mold about three fourths full. If mixture expands and spills over mold, gently repack into the mold.
  5. Let sit overnight to dry in room temperature area. When dry, pop tablets out and store in a glass jar.
  6. When needed, put a tablet in the toilet bowl, hard-to-clean bottles, or sink full of dishes to help clean and deodorize. Let tablet sit in bowl, bottle, or sink for 20–30 minutes to fizz and dissolve. Once dissolved, flush or rinse out. 
Now you’re ready to clean without the slightest fuss!
Note: This recipe is not recommended for toilet tanks.

Your health can be better ~ naturally. Feel free to email me for a free consultation. 
To order Young Living Essential Oils or nontoxic products, please use my link: youngliving.com - thanks!

Celebration Food Doesn't Have to Make You Sick

Avoiding Trigger foods

Celebration food isn't usually the healthiest, but we still need special foods for times of celebration because celebrating is good for our mental health!

Knowing and avoiding the trigger(s)that make you have indigestion, a headache, your joints hurt or cause a skin problem etc... is helpful. You can then find recipes that work for you or learn a few simple tricks to adapt your old recipes, eliminating your trigger ingredients.

This bread pudding is to die for AND it's. non dairy! I took a couple of recipes and made up my own version.
We typically avoid a lot of bread. Not because gluten is a trigger - just because it isn't great for your health and it adds pounds on me quickly! On the other hand DAIRY is a trigger.

It's quick and easy! So whip some up for an after dinner treat to celebrate the fact that 2021 is here! Then put the recipe away until it's time for another celebration. I might make it again on Valentine's Day, because my Valentine loves it!

I'm not a food binger, but if anything could make me binge, this could!

Richman's Bread Pudding (dairy free)

Find this recipe and others in our community vaults!
1 can Coconut Cream (or full fat coconut milk)
2/3 Cup Bourbon Whisky
2/3 Cup Pure Maple Syrup
1/2 Cup Smart Balance (or butter)
1 Cup Almond Milk (or milk of choice)
1/2 tsp Nutmeg
2 tsp Cinnamon
2 tsp Vanilla
1 tsp Salt
2 Eggs
1 Cup Pecans
1/2 Cup Dark Chocolate Chips
Bread (sourdough is great!)
1/2 cup Pure Maple Syrup
2 drops Nutmeg Essential Oil
1 drop Cassia Essential Oil

In a sauce pan, on low heat mix together everything except eggs, pecans, chocolate chips and bread. Let cool. Whisk in two eggs, or use a stick blender.

Grease a 9x9 dish with Smart Balance. Tear the bread into large chunks filling the dish very full. It will shrink when you pour the liquid mixture over it.

Crush pecan halves by hand as you add them. Stir them and the chocolate chips into the cooled mixture. Pour evenly over the bread. Push bread down into the liquid. Most of the bread should be soaked in the liquid. If you need more liquid add almond milk.

Serve Warm. The drizzle is delightful, but honestly I think it's great even without it!

Tip: Save stale bread in the freezer.

Your health can be better ~ naturally. Feel free to email me for a free consultation. 
To order Young Living Essential Oils or nontoxic products, please use my link: youngliving.com - thanks!

Healthy, Delicious Treat ~ When You Need to Feel Pampered

Virgin Mary - Quick & Healthy!

Delicious treats that make you feel pampered help make the transition to a healthier lifestyle more palatable. Pun intended!

So want to feel all fancy without the alcohol or refined sugar? Try our twist on the classic Bloody Mary! Boost your health with Vitality oils & customize to your liking. Here's the recipe. . .
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